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Can you smell what the MO is cooking? there's my cliche.


2:43 p.m.

I feel like: ehhhh....
Stuck in my head: "She Hates Me" - puddle of mudd. currently my favorite song.
Thinking about: why everybody likes to test their wwf moves on me


Well, Chance done got us kicked out of the mall yesterday... I still can't figure out why he felt the need to jump over that trashcan anyway.

I added another entry to my 'private' folder the other day explaining pretty much everything about me that no one knows... all the stuff goin on in my head and stuff. You'll just have to wonder.

Chance has the cutest puppy! His name is Moses n he's a Westie like Webster. He's even smaller than Cloey!

Speaking of which, my mom feels bad about taking Cloey to the pound.

She says I can go pick out another baby if I want... but none will be Cloey -_-

When I asked her if I could trade the puppy for a little sister, she said she'd think about it. When I asked her if I could trade my father and/or brother in for a little sister... she said okay.

This is so confusing. All I do is count down the days until I can get out of the house and school, yet I know I'll be looking back eventually on all the halarious stuff that's happened and think "ahh, yes, those were the days..."... but right now it just sucks. I need to drive. I need a car. I need cash. I need a job. I NEED A PUPPY!

All my friends keep getting all mad at my cell phone. The screen is shattered (been like that for a couple months) so you can't really see anything except for a little bit in the top left corner, and I figure that's all I really need to understand what's going on....; but of course since Tyler-the-horse-cunt took my battery, it only displays about a fourth of the time.

I acctually don't mind it... but all I hear from the minons is "LauRyyyyyn when are you gonna get your new cell phone!?!?!??!!!"

Fine! I'll go replace the screen today scheesh!

First I gotta get motivated.

I was very motivated today. I got like a bunch of projects done... it only takes me like 5 minutes a piece. I'm pretty good at half-assing stuff and still blowing teachers away.

I love it when they give me random things to entertain myself with during lectures n stuff just so I'll shut up and stop chucking supplies all over the place... I'll never forget the first time a teacher chucked me her age-old rubik's cube and figre it would entertain me for days and I solved it in ten minutes... man the look on her face. She told me she had been trying to fix that thing for 25 years.

Just give them something to wonder about.

I feel like shit. Everybody feels like shit. They're all getting sick... but I feel like shit for an entirely different girl reason that people like john and chris and chance obviously wouldn't have.... but only a pint of cookie dough ice cream can fix that.

It cracks me up, the looks on my friend's faces when I complain of my period woes...

"I DONT HAVE MOOD SWINGS, ITS CRAMPS YOU JACKASS!!! .. .. . . . . . .wait. nevermind."



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out