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The cast of the Lauryn Show

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


"It's amazing how much people change... I find myself updating this page more than any other..."

Last updated: 8/3/03... when I deleted most of the people in here...

no particular order...

- - - - Friends - - - -

LARRY - my best friend, yeah he's an invisible gnome. Bad influence, but that's okay. He needs to stop smoking.

ME - That's me, Munkey Orgy.

TIMOTHY - little brother, in 6th grade. Bugs the ever living shit out of me, and thinks the world revolves around him. Larry hates him.

DACEY - my senior friend. We get together and bitch about our families n bum around. She's like my only good 'chick friend sides Flo.

CHRIS - my hyper-active skinny friend. He seems to be a year or two behind on the maturity level but that's okay.

FLO - my neighbor and best friend. Sometimes quiet and shy. Known her since 2nd grade.

MILKMAN DAN - a quiet yet psychotic person. She's the one I found the dead guy with. Every one I know doesn't like her because of some stupid past thing I never bothered writing about.

CHANCE - he's one of those people who eats pickles with oreos. I like him cuz he's not afraid of what people think of him n junk. He was also born into the wrong family.

TYLER - & the other Tyler. I spent pretty much my entire summer with him. He's a lot of fun.

MIKEY - met him through Tyler. Also known as "The Cripple". I help him with his girl troubles n junk...

DANIEL - my highly bizzare, yet genius friend who, thank god, doesn't treat me like a girl, yet annoys the shit out of me. He's also gay by the way...

CHELSEA - my cousin, about 8 months younger than I.

ASS BUCKET - er, Ronnie. Acctually I have no idea what he looks like. We talk a lot at get pissed at eachother a lot... but always end up hanging out again anyway. He's just so irritating...

ROBBIE - kid in Tech. class that I always ditch with. Quiet kid, but really has a lot to say once you listen to him.

RICHARD - also known as "Dildo" since he wasn't good enough to be "Dick". Known him since Elementary school... he's just always around and I guess I'm just always around too. He's a good guy.

WATERBOY - isn't he cute!? Well guess what... HE DOESN'T EXIST! Me n MD made him up to ward off other guys, just for shits and giggles. Isn't that amusing...

DIE ANNA - chick I used to ditch Drama I with. She's acctually, like, at a girl's home now. Bummer. She's Nathan's sister.

JOE - Chance's thirteen or fourteen year old friend. Used to have a green mohawk going. Crazy kid, but he hangs around.

RIQUAL - I met through Dacey. Funny chick.

FELINA - I met through Dacey. She has a hippy van. Cool.

NATHAN - Dacey met him online one day and he turned out to be Diana's brother. He's 22 and Dacey's ex boyfriend.

- - - - Adults - - - -

Shea - my mom, but more like my room mate. She's smart... love her to death.

Rob - just doesn't get it. He's my father and I bitch about him A TON! I really think Shea should have left him when she had the chance.

Steve - my super cool uncle (not by blood), single living alone and working for NASA. He's awesome, he's the one who got me my guitar and camera and whatnot. Love him to death. Man, if only I could live with him...

Helen - Flo's mama. I just call her "mom" since I never have any idea what to call my friends parents. I've always done that. It's ironic since I call my real mom "Shea".

Nenno - Super weird biology teacher, athiest, and constantly pushing his beliefs on Evolution and what not. A lot of kids HATED his ever-living GUTS, but I acctually liked him and respected him. He's very wise and smart... but everybody's afraid of him. I guess he impacted my life... ug.

Maier - Nobody calls him "Mr. Maier" its always just "MAIER GET OVER HERE DAMMIT!". Used to be my programming teacher, but he was crappy at it and most of the class who didn't already know programming failed, and he still pisses me off. Head of the math department and theres a 90% chance I'll have him for Algebra II next year. Dammit.

The Pod Woman - Real name is Mz. Pod-bour-ny. (Don't wanna have her find this via Google...) Everybody hates her, and she won't let a bunch of good kids graduate because of stupid reasons. Pretty bad district reputation with Albuquerque Public Schools. YUCK!

- - - - Other - - - -

Mattie - My baby, puppy I got in like February. I have pictures of her in here somewhere... but she's getting big! She's mah PRINCESS.

The little white one - Webster, my mom's little white westie. I don't like that dog. Has a bladder, and a humping problem. It's like you look at him wrong and there's a puddle on the floor. He's about a year old now... got him in Arizona on a trip. Hehe. The year before we got Puppy in the same state. I think Webster replaced Shea's kids a long time ago.

Puppy - Our albino cockiteal bird thing... it PMS's and a week later an egg will pop out. It's really funny... loves Rob n gets mad when you go near it. Stupid bird.

Dickens - My bitchy cat. She's an evil genius, as many cats are. She pissed down the vent once and we couldn't figure out where it was coming from since it ventalated through the house. Needless to say, she lives in the garage now. Cute name though!


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out