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I knew all about time before

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003

6:51 p.m.

I feel like: grudged
Stuck in my head: "I will buy you a new life" - I forgot...
Thinking about: I HATE THIS DIARY!!!!!!!!! HATE ITTTT!!!!


Well, school is shitty, not that I expected anything different. All my classes suck. I have the wrong lunch. I go all over campus like a camel. I know nobody and all the freshmen I met seem chronicly depressed.

At the moment I'm hating this diary thingy again. Why should I give anybody the opertunity to have even a little insight into whatever goes on in my head? I'm about to bag the whole thing, Dominic, it's really annoying!!

Everything's screwing up. I had a vision change the other night... woke up and everything was, er, sharper... like... you know I can tell when my colors change. It was like I could almost make out stuff that was green... no not really I wish heh.

Shea caught me talking to myself again and I didn't even know I was doing it. The look she gave me seethed through my whole being... I hated it. I didn't even know I was saying... something about respecting everything around you, but I was watching some stupid cartoon and thinking other things. What I was saying wasn't even making sense.

Does this make sense??? No...hah, oh well.

I keep seeing bugs too... first out of the corner of my eye, a little flicker... then to the point where I'll see one run across the floor, but I know it's not really there.

I just don't want to get worse.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out