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Cult Cat Killer Part 3: Insomnia

Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003

10:30 a.m.

I feel like: exhausted
Stuck in my head: And you can tell everybody... that this is your song. I hope you don't mind that I put down in words...
Thinking about: wonderful life is, now that you're in the world. And you can tell everybody...


Went to bed at midnight. Woke up at one or two thirty.

"Ug. Can't sleep... oh well the breeze feels nice. I like how Shea sleeps with the door open..."

"...the neighbors are shooting off illegal fireworks again... oh joy..."

"The dogs are barking... that one guy is coming again... Mr. Red Focus..."

Rob was at the firestation so I ended up crashing on Shea's bed. Before we went to bed we had been talking bout them stupid dead cats again... It's not like I'm trying to follow up on all this is just happens!

Anywho... everyone's been talkin bout it now. There's like five gone at Dacey's house... one of the attendants at the gas station was saying one of her cats was dead too. There was a thing on the news saying to keep your animals inside at night cuz of all this...

But let me get to the point...

I'm lying there last night and I hear this cat screech for it's life. Now, this was no normal cat screech, oh no, not by far... I know what cats sound like when they get into fights and this was NOT it. It sent shivers down my spine.

So anyway, I hear the screech and then I hear this thud and then another screech that kinda died out and then there was nothing. Just silence. I quickly poked Shea and woke her up n told her about it. We decided to get in the car and go circle our neighborhood a few times to see if we could see anything.

So there we are, four in the morning, in pajamas in the dead of night slowly circling the neighborhood. But we didn't find anything...

I'll bet it's some stupid highschool kids doing this. Stupid bastards. Well I dunno much but I do know this... another cat went down last night.

So me n Shea lied awake in bed for like two hours or so... pondering... listening to the drunk neighbors throw things and scream and yell at each other.

Rob came homea t like seven this morning... showing off his newest certificate or award from the mayor or some shit... for fighting fires or whatever... just great Rob...

I should sleep in Shea's room more often.


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until I'm 16
before I can move out