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Cult Cat Killer: The Saga Continues

Friday, Jul. 25, 2003

10:24 a.m.

I feel like: optomistic. as usual. because i never get mad. lalala...... FUCKKKKKK
Stuck in my head: i gotta peeeee i gotta peeeee
Thinking about: Whoa... I just realized that was a really long sequence of events. Sorry!


So.... we decided to investigate the before mentioned creepy guy. But before this, was an important sequence of events.

1 - Went to the mall. Dacey and Mikey started getting irritated at each other.

2 - Came to my house and started to ponder things to do, until Tyler baracadded himself in my room for some odd reason and refused to come out or talk. He then took off down the street.

3 - When Tyler came back, Dacey started to take off down the street in a depressed manner.

4 - After that, things started to get tense... so Dacey and I decided to run go get some Mountain Dew and Munchies.

5 - On the way back we get a call to go pick up Mikey and Tyler... who had wandered off from the house again.

6 - Got back to the house and Tyler and Mikey jumped out of the car while it was still moving. Bad idea... DUH! So Mikey's foot accidentally got ran over. Again. Ouch! He then started to get mad.

7 - He started to walk home, and the rest of us started to go back inside when Mikey came back to talk to Dacey to settle things "once and for all". She slammed the door on him. Tyler let Mikey back in and Mikey went to talk to Dacey. Sceaming and Yelling in the living room.

8 - Tyler took Mikey home. Dacey and I sat there... pondering...

9 - Tyler came back, but Dacey said something negative that came out in the wrong way, so he left.

10 - Dacey and I sat there... pondering... it was about then Riqual called and told us she had a rather large abundance of chicken...

11 - We went to Riqual's house to eat chicken at midnight. Then the important stuff started happening.

12 - We told Riqual of our plans and laughed and ate chicken while talking about the "Cult Cat Killer". She then remembered an article... she showed us the article, from July 18th's newspaper on the front page. It said there was Satanic stuff happening in the north east heights and that they found some cats dead and they closed off a bunch of satanic tunnels. Reward for the people involved in the cat killing was 10,000 dollars.

13 - We want to go to Lalapolooza, so we set off on our investigation of the Cult Cat Killer...

14 - First we turned off all the lights, then lit candles to see a bit. My house is REALLY creepy at night so there was a lot of screaming involved and we would only go down the hall in a group, holding a big aluminum hockey stick. It was about then we discovered the margaritas.

15 - Finally the supposed Cult Cat Killer showed up. He parked his car up the street and simply walked right on over to a particular house this time. We sat at the window with the lights off, drinking margarita and spying... but to not much avail.

16 - We soon left the window with out noticing, cracking up over stupid things and still chugging margarita.

MORAL : 3 chicks can have more than enough fun with only a little white dog, a hockey stick, and a whole lot of margarita.

So I guess the guy walking around our street has nothing to do with the odd death of my cat, the mutilated cat found in the tunnel, or the dead cat the neighbor was looking for. But still.......

All them cats were black.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out