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The relationship between elves and pirates

Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003

8:53 a.m.

I feel like: fine
Stuck in my head: alsidfasldbg;asldjfasldflasndgliasnldgnasldfasdgf
Thinking about: Sparrow's the coolest pirate. (Johnny Dep) Will's the hottest pirate. (Orlando Bloom)


Check out the pirate layout... yay go pirate obsession!

It's too big though, so I'm thinking I fucked up when I designed it. I'm starting not to like it too much... takes too long to load too... but I'm too lazy to change it now, and I'm stupid and didn't save the code for the cigarette layout.

Note to self: Change layout.

Hey, I should go get my provisional liscense today... but nah...

I'm supposed to have called and woken up Tyler this morning (I woke up at around 8), but Shea just informed me of that stupid vision appointment at 9:30 this morning, so what's the point? Let the boy sleep. Sleep is good for your colin. And glasses are good for Mo.

Note to self: Get glasses that don't suck this time.

(Old glasses are currently in 4 pieces barried some where under my bed... wore those for all of, what, 1 day?)

Pikol is feeling very depressed lately... I don't blame her. She's feeling quite unloved, which isn't the case. She doesn't see how many people love her! Like me for one, and Tyler and Felina and her friends in Colorado and Mikey and Riqual... sure, she's going to have a harder than hell year this year but we can help her through it. I just wish her mom would help out in the least bit. I dunno what I'd do without Pikol.

Time for vision. And that's a rap.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out