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When you're a kid and you wanna go weee

Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003

2:00 p.m.

I feel like: good
Stuck in my head: twilight zone music
Thinking about: ...possibly turning off the water before the river in the street grows any larger.


That pisses me off.


No, wait, nevermind I just felt like saying that.

This journal thing's starting to go to pot... but I have a feeling once school gets up again I'll write in it more. Summer's just so predictable... in a good way. The coolest part about this summer is:

I haven't spent 1 day, not even 1 stinkin day without seeing at least one of my!

The day usually starts out with either Tim screaming, the dog barking, or somebody turning on the hose outside of my window (thus making a larger than life racket, immpossible to sleep through), and I wake up and go find some breaky.

Then I turn on the computer and fuck around for awhile, since none of my other friends are ever up until at least noon. LAZY BASTARDS!

Eventually I go take a shower, and come back to the computer... then dry my hair n find clothes then back to the computer... then, somewhere between 1-4, something happens. Either some one calls me, everybody gets bored of fucking around on the internet and decide to all go some place, or whatever, but I end up out of the house...

We fuck around the city for awhile, usually ending up at the park, then go home at exactly 11 every night.

...except for this weekend of course, since my rents were out of town. The first rule was "no party"... so i didn't have a party. I had a "get-together". Oh come on we watched movies and drank Mountain Dew... it's not like we got drunk or some shit. Oh yeah, and they never said anything about my car so I found the key my dad hid and used that.

It's weird how my friend make-up has changed all the sudden. Now instead of finally having friends my own age like Chance and MD and Chris and Jon, I've reverted back to people like Tyler and Dacey and Felina and Mikey and Nathan and Diana and well, there's Chance. But I got this feeling Chance will ALWAYS be there, no matter what. I don't mean that in a mushy way. Shit, gag me with a spoon, I just mean that I think I'm gonna know Chance for a long time. We have way too much in common.

Speaking of that fool, he knows too much. I might just have to kill him...nah not really but I told him stuff without realizing it and now it's weird. I need to make it clear that that conversation NEVER happend. He doesn't know as much as he thinks he knows though. I can't kill him now though... he delt with me yesterday when I was in a bad mood and he made me pancakes. He acctually made be pancakes! I randomly said "Dammit! Make me pancakes now! Purple ones!" and he did. It was weird cuz I didn't expect him too. Cool!! So yeah that's why I have to keep him around more heh.

Shea, Rob, and Timothy will be home tonight around four or five... maybe six. I wouldn't be surprised if Shea found out some of the stuff I did. She's smart like that, but I don't think she'll mind much. Rob will but he's thick. He's always left in the dark because he can't take the light.

Yeah well I'm done sitting here and writing pages of bull shit so adios stalkers. Go fuck yourselves and stop reading my diary. Eat shit and die I hate you.

Love ya! Kiss kiss! XoXo!

.:: Mo ::.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out