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Road trip two hundred miles closer to hell

Thursday, May. 29, 2003

11:09 p.m.

I feel like: Exhausted
Stuck in my head: "I feel pretty"
Thinking about: all the things I should be doing now... but not... how depressing


This really sucks.

MD and I came up with our 100 dollars at our yard sale... I'm not even going to go into some of the weird people that showed up there...

I can't believe I was dragged into this... this whole trip.

I can name so many things right now that people have gotten me to do that I didn't want to. That really pisses me off, and I still think people take advantage of my weakness. Why must I give in so easily, and be so eager to please?

And yet, on the other hand, I'm so bloody stubborn its not funny. That's how I know I won't end up somebody's bitch... when I really don't want to do something, really really with all my heart, I won't. I'll do anything it takes.

Yeah, so anyways I think I got a job... and you know how I said the last thing I ever wanted to do was work in front of a computer? Well, yeah, I'm going to work infront of a computer, typing shit... for minimum wage. Hehe... but at least I get my own hours!!! Heck yea!

Well so I guess I won't be updating this for a while on the count of the Las Vegas trip tomorrow. MD's going with me so I'll owe her forever. Its only until Tuesday... but this trip just comes at a bad time... All I feel like doing is hanging out and doing nothing with Ty n MD n Mikey n Dace n what not, not driving far away for a stupid trip...


"Oh well..."


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until I'm 16
before I can move out