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Like a stab in the eye with the fork

Saturday, May. 24, 2003

10:16 a.m.

I feel like: shit on the bottom of some one's shoe
Stuck in my head: random stuff from a Ramone's album
Thinking about: how much I wanna watch Freakazoid


Okay, so I'm supposed to tell about my mad plan...

But first, some other stuff...


Geometry/Algebra II
Final - 94%
Class - B

Drama I
Final - 100%
Class - B?

Final - 78%
Class - A

Final - 90+%
Class - B?

Final - 93%
Class - A

Final - 100%
Class - B?

Acctually, the funny thing about this is I might not even see what my final grades were because they won't send out report cards until your book fines are cleared...

I've got over 100$ in book fines...

I made Shea n Rob feel guilty because all my life I've never gotten anything for good grades. My little friends would go around saying "Whoa, I get 45 dollars this semester because my mommy gives me 10 bucks for every A and 5 bucks for every B!"

"You little shit! You wanna know what I get for having good grades?!?! NOTHING! Ya wanna know what I get for bad grades??!?!? MY ASS BEATEN!"

So now Shea said she'd take me summer shopping for clothes when we go to Las Vegas. Heh.

Okay now for the mad plan:

Step 1 - Take PSATs
Step 2 - Take SATs
Step 3 - Get GED
Step 4 - Drop out of highschool
Step 5 - Go to UNM
Step 6 - Never feel guilty...

Of course, GED's are only a tiny little scratch on your record isntead of a completed high school course... but- lets say I go to apply for a job at, like, 19. They look at my resume, see I got a GED... they twitch... then they see I also have a college degree. Huh?

"Excuse me, but how do you have a college degree when you're only but 19 years old?"

"Well, Sir, I decided I wasn't gaining much from highschool, so I skipped it and went right on to college."

From this, my employer is impressed, and I get whatever job I was wanting.

Plus, I'm going into a Math/Science/Engineering/Computers feild eventually... so they need women. I win both ways!

So far my friends are unsure... and so am I. Sure, it would make me a whole lot better off doing this... it did for the kids I already know who did this plan...

But then I'd miss out on highschool! I might even be a social reject!

But then again... this whole highschool thing I can see is just going to be a big waste of time... I haven't learned much. English is the biggest waste of time... I can learn whatevers left of math and science on my own.

Big decision.

It's like a feeling of 'been there done that', since I decided against my last self-benifitting idea...well, three of them. If I had followed either of those, I'd be out of highschool now, or only having 1 or 2 years left.

Dammit why do decisions have to be so hard!? And why do I keep choosing my friends over my future!!!


0 comments so far

graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out