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Ditching lunch detention and monotony

Thursday, May. 08, 2003

3:23 p.m.

I feel like: desperate
Stuck in my head: "Hawaiian rollar coaster ride" from Lilo n Stitch (the best Disney movie ever)
Thinking about: Subliminal messages... how come people keep misusing that term? The best definition is a clip less than 7 frames long...


Ah yes, so finally I get into trouble at school� and here I am thinking nothin� would happen this year (yea right).

It all started yesterday, in fourth period, technology. I�ve been done in that class for about two weeks now� and I�m acing it. Robby, the kid who sits next to me� suggested we leave early when Knauber (teacher) wasn�t looking. We crept up next to the door, made note of him being on the phone, and slipped out the door off running.

Yeah, that wasn�t the first time I�ve pulled something like that in that class. Knauber doesn�t care much. But unfortunately, we were unlucky.

Knauber felt the need to take role again at the end of class.

We heard word from the other kids that he was pissed, and that we were gonna get busted. We considered ditching his class all together today, figuring he�d forget by Friday, but screwed that and just went. Yeah, Knauber was pissed. He sent us to detention and told us to remain there for all of lunch too�

We circled the school a few times and took the longest time possible going there, then played paper football in detention for like 15 minutes, then left before lunch.

So yeah, I�m counting on Knauber finding out we didn�t stay through lunch and getting pissed again. Oh well, what�s the worst that happens? We end up in detention longer and just play more football? Oh well� Robby�s got it worse. His dad works at the school. Burn�

Chance keeps claiming to be depressed. I have no idea why� he doesn�t seem to have much to be depressed about. When I asked him he didn�t have much to say about it. There�s probably something bugging him that he either doesn�t wanna tell me, or can�t figure out. Either way, I�m still jealous of him� look at him! He�s got a nice (functional) family, his own car (and a cool one at that), good grades (I mean really good), he�s not in trouble at school or at home (claims not to be an ass-kisser), and he�s got friends (ah yes, with a friend like me who needs adrenalin and bad influences?).

I just heard word of Timothy getting a dog. Terrific. We�ve got Webster � the small white creepy dog that pisses on the floor if you look at him wrong. Mattie � my little angel, currently going through her TERRIBLE twos. Puppy � the PMSing bird. And Dickens � the bitchy cat whose not aloud in the house. What more could we need?

I wish school would just fucking get itself over with. It�s driving me mad. My grades are freaking out� Here�s what I�ve got so far:

Geom/ Alg. II � 82% (gulp)

Drama I - ??

Technology - 93%

English - 85% (??)

Biology - 90%

Stagecraft - ??

Notice how both classes with ?? are taught by the same teacher. It�s like you never know what you gonna get� I could have anything from a D to an A. Shit, man. English pisses me off more so though� I�ve gotten an A on practically everything she�s ever passed back to me so WTF?!?!? I hate my teachers.

Sweet mother of god, please just make this fast and painless so the misery can stop. I�m dying here!


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out