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Reality Does a 50/50 grind with a 180 off the top

Saturday, May. 03, 2003

11:26 p.m.

I feel like: confused, yet slightly better than the stress from yesterday
Stuck in my head: 15 Bucks, lit'l man! Put that shit! In my hand! If that money doesn't show then you owe me owe me oh!
Thinking about: Getting food... I'm starving... but nothing seems good.


So I was gonna give Rob �The Talk�.

The father talk� every daughter has to give it to her dad eventually, with help from the mother figure of course. It went a little something like this�

Mo: Hey Shea� I got a prob. I wanna go to a movie tonight but Rob�s still home.
Shea: Well, I�m tired of dealing with him so you�re gonna have to go convince him.
Mo: Arg! No! .. . . . . . . � .. . .. Fine.

Mo: Hey Rob, I was gonna go to a movie tonight�
Rob: With who?
Mo: Tyler �and Dacey (lie.)
Rob: What time?
Mo: 8� (Why the hell is he asking me all this? I guess I�m just used to Shea.)
Rob: What movie?
Mo: (?!?!?! WTF? Why isn�t he complaining about the lateness?!?!), uh, I dunno�
Rob: What do you mean you don�t know?
Mo: Oh come on Rob, we can�t see anything rated R cuz we�re under 17, does that answer your question?
Rob: Well I don�t care if you go you just have to tell me what movie you�re seeing�

This is so like Rob� stuck on the details and missing the big POINT!

He was SUPPOSED to complain about the time� not the MOVIE! UG!

I don�t know why I�m complaining, I should be happy he�s letting me go and not caring about curfew� ITS JUST SO WEIRD! WHY ROB WHYYY MUST YOU MESS WITH MY HEAD! I had a good speech and everything to give him!

I�m thinking maybe Shea said something before me� last time she said she�d stick up for me and talk to Rob a little bit, but insisted I be the one to give him the big talk� and I never got word of her saying anything to him�

�but maybe she did. Normally, Rob would�a told me that I HAD to be home by something outrageous like 9! Arg�

But then again� it�s kinda a good thing� probably temporary knowing Rob, and he�ll get me on it next time when I�m unprepared� but hell�

I just don�t know what I�m going to do with my father�


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out