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Chance & Sorry ain't a good enough word

Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003

8:39 p.m.

I feel like: sad. pathetic. mad at myself. I'm such an ass. Kill me now.
Stuck in my head: "Girls Not Grey" by AFI even though I don't really like em. What does it matter anyway?
Thinking about: I am the biggest cry baby of all time.


Yeah, I�m in a mess. I�ve been a bad kid. Haven�t been myself lately. I took my anger at the world, society, and most importantly: Rob, and unleashed it upon the innocent, and my dignity.

I need to shut up.

Well, it is indeed confirmed that it�s national PMS week, but that doesn�t have anything to do with it.

Kept bugging Chance bout his supposed �secret�. I didn�t think he was so protective considering MD knows (and finds it comical,) but he got�mad. I figured it wasn�t a big deal, whatever it was, because NOTHING would make me think any lesser of him. He�s probably my best friend.

For some reason he really doesn�t want me to know, I guess. I made the fault of not respecting that. I feel so stupid. I�m so dumb. His exact words were �It�s enough that MD lies about it. But now you are. I�m done. Bye.�


But he�s right. He�s so right�and it kills me.

I lied. I told him I knew, when I didn�t, and then tried to get it out of him. The whole plot was MD�s idea, but I�m an asshole for going through with it, thinking he wouldn�t care. I had no idea he did. This is so not me...

Well, he hit me where it hurts. And I deserved it.

You know� I used to think I had people down to a science�

But then some one like Chance comes along.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out