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The 4:20 Theme Song

Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003

9:08 p.m.

I feel like: sexy (cuz I'm 5 shades tanner)
Stuck in my head: And I don't give a damn if you don't like me cuz I don't like you cuz you're not like me.
Thinking about: Every single regret I've had in the past year... and it's irritating. SHOOT ME NOW DAMMIT!


Just when I get rid of the sunburn I got from the �day the dead guy died� *, I went and got another. (Actually, it gave me a kick ass tan.) But Rob had us working today out in the sun. Good thing it was a nice day�

Ever since I could hold up a shovel, Rob has had me doing yard work and chores. I remember my first chore ever was to go out on the lawn every day and spend two hours watering all the dry patches. (Why are men so proud of their lawns?) I think I was three or four. It�s very like my father to opt for back breaking intense labor for a week, than pay a couple hundred to have some guys come out and do it.

But actually, it wasn�t so bad. This guy, Rudy, whom my dad works with at the fire station, was there, and Rob�s always nice to me around company. It was pretty cool, and we now don�t have a hunk of Iraq for a backyard. It�s all�uh�grassy-like. I like to think of it as �productive workout aerobics�.

Easter was pretty awesome with the redneck family. First of all, Rob�s got us working out in the dirt laying sod in the midst of it all, so then we all gather at the table, my grandparents, aunt, mother, and cousin, all in their formal Easter outfits, and Rob and I with our mud covered jeans and sweaty faces. Everybody begins passing creepy food dishes about and digging in. About ten minutes later, after some disagreeing opinions on Bush, somebody decides we�d better say, like, a blessin� or sumfin. Two minutes after that, Rob and I are out digging trenches again, while Timothy is climbing over everything and anything looking for beans. (Yeah, we used plastic beans instead of eggs. Rob told him the Easter bunny was on crack.)

Ah, yes, God Bless the redneck family.

I�m thinking of starting a photo wall in my room. (Not that there�s any room amidst all the posters, lights, electronics, and wires), and me thinks I can find room. It won�t be any particular kind of pictures, just random ones of anything and anything. A big collage� it�ll be awesomeness. Like a big collection of memories�

Speaking of memories� I�m afraid I�m gonna have to deal with another dead person. My great grandmother in Ohio, the one that thought of my name, ain�t doin so well. She�s exactly 95 years old, and I think she�s just tired of it all. Her mind is gone, and now it will be her body. I�ve never had a family member die, not even one that I didn�t know� (well, that I know of), so this�ll be kind of weird. I hope it�s not an open cascut funeral� eh�

Oh, I guess that�s not really nice� me talking bout her like she�s dead already. Hey, maybe the old girl will pull through! That�s kind of weird that I was thinking that instead of Larry. O.o

Oh, and on a side note� the following songs need to be downloaded by whoever�s reading this:

The fuck song

The vagina song

The bitch song

The pot song

See? All the songs your mother doesn�t want you listening to based on the title. Go for it.

- DJshorty

* On April 12, 2003, MD and I went to Del Norte for a baseball game, but got dropped off 3 hours early. However, we did find an old dead guy. See this entry to read more bout our dead guy. Ever since that, we�ve been referring to that day as �the day the dead guy died�, and yes, we do know that that makes no sense whatsoever, heh.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out