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She Wrecked My Car

Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003

11:48 a.m.

I feel like: ehh.... UG.
Stuck in my head: guitar riffs
Thinking about: Never letting short stop drive my car


A few nights ago�

I�m going with Short Stop to the mall, and we�ve both got our driver�s license. I don�t really want to go, but I do anyway and she�s driving. On our way there, I notice she�s being a really crappy driver and can�t even stay in the lines or follow signs. She wrecks the car, and we go into the mall with her not even whining about it. She takes me into all the stores I don�t want to go in and finally we leave.

Since her car is busted, she decides that we have to take mine to get home. My car appears and we get into it and start going home. About half way home I look over and notice that Short Stop�s driving again. Once I notice that, her driving starts getting crappy again.

We just so happen to be driving home on a canyon and on these windy cliff roads. I keep telling her to be careful and stuff but she keeps yelling at me to stop. I look ahead and see that there�s a curve ahead of us and that if she doesn�t turn it we�ll go off the side of the mountain and into the ocean. I don�t want to tell her anything because I feel like I�m being too naggy, but she misses the turn anyway and we go plummeting off the cliff.

She wrecked my car and we go swimming to safety. I�m so furious right then that I start yelling at her and calling her names and she does the same. I try to tell the cops what she did and she denies it. We end up in court, and she denies it even more, and I�m still spanking mad when I wake up.

(I didn�t talk to Short Stop for a couple days after this one.)

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Stuff looked up from this site:

The cars - Vehicles that you ride in usually reflect two things; the direction you are heading in life, and your body. (the thing you travel or "ride" through life in) This might vary if you are a mechanic or designer of vehicles. Unusually over exposure to a specific vehicle type may easily change the meaning. The condition of the vehicle might give you an idea of your health. Driving an old beat up car down a muddy road on a stormy night would be considered a pretty bad dream! However flying a Lear jet through blue skies with a song in your heart and the wind at your tail would be a rather good dream. :)


If you dream that you are driving a vehicle it is a sign that you should be careful to take no chances with your money, such as gambling, in the next two weeks or so. If someone else is doing the driving you will find yourself in luck, money wise.

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My interpretation�

I let Short Stop push me around too much, and I go with the flow around her too much. I often give into things I don�t really want to do with her, and I should stand up more often before it�s too late.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out