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INFIDELS! Get oot of my cab!


9:48 a.m.

I feel like: relaxed. okay. perfect.
Stuck in my head: "Nazi punks fuck off" - dk
Thinking about: People taking me to church. Fire. Maybe it's a sign!


All right, tell me this. When people see me, do they have some weird undying desire to �enlighten me� and show me God n stuff? In the past few months, I think I�ve been to about three different churches with friends, and today I�m going with Chance to his. My grandma has been trying for who knows how long to do the same!

Come on people!!! I�m not that atheist!

Actually, I�m being a little drastic. I in reality like going to church with people. It kind of moves me, the passion that�s there and all. And usually it�s pretty fun. I wouldn�t mind going even more, even though I tend to not agree with a word the preachers say�

But still. I keep looking at the back of my shirt for a sign that says �show me the way� or something.

My mom�s being so cool about everything lately. She�s mellow. I like that. Everybody always needs spring break. It should come a week earlier than it does. So should Easter. I like peeps. Yeah, peeps are bitchin. So is the peep-mobile.

But yes, Shea loves meh. She went psycho yesterday though. I was sitting on the counter (making Ramen Noodles of course), and talking to Shea about school when all of a sudden she goes, �You�re on fire�!�

I looked over and felt the adrenalin rush as I saw the end of my pajamas flaming. I quickly jumped off the counter and stomped the flames out.

�and there�s Shea, totally freaking out and screaming, �YOU�REONFIREYOU�REONFIREYOU�REONFIREYOU�REONFIRE��

To get out the last little sparks, I stuck my leg in the sink and turned on the faucet to exterminate them.

�and there�s Shea again. She keeps yelling her schpeal and grabs the hose and immediately drenches my entire leg.

I stared at her.

I�m notorious for staying calm in panicked situations. The fire left the end of my pajamas torched and a little perfect ring of burn around my ankle. Why me.

The only thing I said to Shea was, �Uh� let�s not tell Rob about this.�



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out