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On my journal, thus far


4:54 p.m.

I feel like: mellow
Stuck in my head: bonjovi's "Missunderstood" and Dead Kennedy's "Jesus was a terrorist"
Thinking about: War, of course. 1 hour and counting.


I�m trying to think back to when I first started this �diary� (and I use that term lightly), and what has changed. I never thought I�d really get into the whole thing when Person X made me start this, but hell, here I am. I used to write about B.S. and lighthearted things that didn�t matter, and now it�s gone a little deeper.

� I think the earlier entries were better.

It still creeps me out that people read this, especially the people I know. I actually get emails from people I don�t know who have read through these pages and stuff. It�s really cool talking to them.

But still� you creepy little stalker children�

I think my friends read this just to see if I talk about them and stuff, but I�m always pretty careful about that. I don�t want to get my ass kicked, and I�m damn good at getting along with everybody� because it�s like Chance said� �I only have two facial expressions: happy and happier.�

I hate to admit that it�s true.

�just not in here. In here I�m a whole other person. I just wish these writings were as good as they used to be. Larry�s gone. That�s the problem. If only I could bring him back. Sure, it�s better that he�s gone, and I�m probably a lot better off without him, but still. He was a part of me. A part that�s now missing like the everlost piece to the jigsaw puzzle. A part that probably got sucked underneath the vacuum at some time or another�

I think I�m being too depressing lately too. The truth is: I�m a lot happier than I was in middle school, and I have a lot better friends too. Go figure.

Please excuse me, I must go get a grip on myself and possibly recover.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out