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Clean up your own fucking tomatos!


8:05 a.m.

I feel like: pissed off
Stuck in my head: "Fuck the USA" exploited
Thinking about: what it would be like to live anywhere but here


I was so happy when I heard Rob was leaving for the firestation yesterday. I figured he would stay there for the whole weekend, like he usually does, but I just got word that he'll be back in about a half hour so we can all go work on the fucking yard.

Everytime he gets hold of a saw, about ten trees and bushes end up chopped up and lying all over the place. I really don't know why he does this; it doesn't make our dirt lot of a backyard look any better, and we have so much foilege you can't even notice.

When I told Shea I didn't want to spend my Saturday picking up Rob's mess, she gave me some bull shit speech about "our family working as a team" or something. Yeah, I don't know where the hell that came from. It's old news that we can't stand eachother...(cough*rob*cough).

Shea said she didn't care and that I was going to help and that I was part of this family. I blew up and screamed at her that I didn't want to help and I didn't even want to be part of this damned family.

Normally when I say something like that, I say something more light hearted to back it up or something, but when that didn't come, the awkward silence became too much for Shea, and she just said "Well you are so deal with it."

I'm just tired of putting on a show for them. Well guys, the curtain is ready to close and I'm fresh out of popcorn, so you might as well leave and stop throwing shit at me.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out