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The religion of the day is Buddhism, so RUB MAH BELLAY!


6:59 p.m.

I feel like: happy :0)
Stuck in my head: "It's a small world after all" OH GOD! IS THERE A MORE ANNOYING SONG?!?!? GOD SAVE ME!!!
Thinking about: Why the hell I'm so content


Ack! The neighbor guy is hitting on me!

I was driving up to my grandmother�s house to fetch something (which Shea lets me do alone since it�s just up the street), and on my way back I thought I saw *******.

(******* has replaced his real name, for safety)

*******�s this guy in his 20's that comes and goes from his mother�s house across the street. She�s a nice old lady, her husband is blind as a bat, but Short Stop and I went over there to borrow some eggs for a pancakes once and she practically offered us her kitchen! Anyway, this ******* person�s pretty cool but I don�t know him. Heck, the last time I even spoke with him was when I had this ferret in like sixth grade and he wanted me to show it to him. He had long hair then, a total hippie. He was a roadie and followed bands around the country setting up equipment and stuff. He went to UNM once, flunked out, did some other weird hippie druggie things, and even decided driving was bad for the environment so he gave his truck to his mum for awhile.

Well, I think he�s back, but if the person I saw on my way home in the truck was him, he�s really changed a lot. Short hair and all. I was parking in front of my house and he slows down real slow, rolled down his window, and stuck his arm out with the other one stretched out in front of him on the steering wheel, you know, the whole �cool guy� expression. He just sort of grinned/smiled and tilted his head up in that �sup� sort manner. I just smiled and waved to him in what I hoped was a neighborly sort of way. I really don�t want a neighbor in his twenties hitting on me.

Screw that B.S.

I think I�ve found the source to all this self-improvement behavior everyone�s going through. I think it�s the fact that it�s turning into spring and everything�s so new and pretty and what not. It must trigger something. That, and lent. All my friends seem to give up stupid things for lent, stuff they know they can�t give up. Now, I�m not too wise on the whole religion thing, but wouldn�t you want to give up something easy? I�d give up something like saying the word �Bunghole� or punching people� not giving up coke and candy and pizza and swearing. I�ve never seen even one of my friends succeed in doing that�but maybe I�m just not getting it.

Chance really inspired me today though. I�ve decided to start using that thing called �effort�� (don don don) and getting good grades and stuff. I mean, this is my future right? I should work on the present so I don�t end up at like ITT or TVI or UNM or some other dreadful place in this outrageous city, right? After all, I do want to rule the world�

But yes, I think I�ll be able to work myself into putting thought into my schoolwork. Right now the only thought I put into anything is writing and coding (for web pages and stuff)� I don�t even think when I play my music or practice� hell I haven�t actually read a book in like years!

I�m kind of stoned right now, so here�s some random stupid pointless pictures of stuff:

That would be one of the top corners of my room... taken with crappy webcam...

That's my roof... yes, my entire roof is covered in posters. Some are druggie. some are black light. Some are just plain creepy... and some... I don't even know how the hell they got up there... but my room is all complicated...

But I like it. Flo refuses to sleep in my room, haha. She says it's too creepy. :)

...kinda like me.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out