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4:21 p.m.

I feel like: happier than I've been in a very long time :0)
Stuck in my head: "Take it off" - The Donnas
Thinking about: what's going on with Jonathan



I love Wednesdays... only Drama and English so I don't even bother bringing my backpack.

For the first time in my life I think I have a solid group of friends who acctually (sorta) get a long with each other. That hasn't happend since Elementary school. It's an awesome feeling.

Speaking of Drama, we had a stupid "panta-mime" show today. God, the teacher has been doing panta mime with us for the whole year, it's so fucking boring... but our act was pretty amusing acctually... esspecially when Jordan, a short talented kid, busted out break dancing.

I've been thinking a lot about summer lately... Flo n I have been wanting to go to camp again... and maybe a collage campus academic thing for 4 weeks would be awesome... I was also approached by one of my English teachers today (who I thought hated me) about a music program that was going down over the summer. She only told me about it, maybe because she thought I looked like a rocker. It's like a band thing... you learn how to form a rock band n stuff and you get to make some records n write songs and stuff, before the program ends and you and your band are on your own. It sounds AWESOME! I'll have to start taking my guitar seriously... get an instructer n stuff.

These English teachers crack me up. We have two...(chris n john n chance are in that class) and they would be the 3rd n 4th teachers we've had in that class this year. We hate them. The one spends the first half hour teaching us to say "Hello" in a different language and making us all stand n say it. Then there's only 15 minutes left in the class so we have to read frickin' Antigone. She HATES me. I'm always doing anything possible to piss her off, and I never pay attention. I instead draw on the board, chuck pencils at the roof, or drum on my desk, and she thinks I'm a total LOSER...that is, until yesterday. As it turns out, I was one of the best, fastest, (and most sarcastic) readers, and the only one to get an A on some vocabulary thing. Now she's trying to figure me out... muahaha. She'll never know... but things are starting to get interesting...

Jonathan and Chris hate them... speaking of which I really gotta go call John...



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out