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Rain drops on Kittins and Whiskers on Roses


7:57 p.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


Oh this is a good one. Me, Larry, n Shea must come up with $

Yeah. Crap. Just found this out about an hour ago.

Larry: But we already got 118!

LauRyn: Yeah, but Shea says she wouldn't like it if I used that because I worked so hard for it.

G: Good point.

L: In a way I'm sorta glad she said that V.V

I feel very conspiring. If that's a word. Who really cares though.


L: ...Ug.

Yes Larry still haunts me with that play. I don't think I'll ever be quite the same ever since my grandmother took my family to that...

G: I liked the creepish nuns.

L: Terrific.

I'm never going to let my mom forget that frickin play.

I was electrocuted three times yesterday, which left me kind SPAZETIC* today. You see, I just finished re-wireing the first phase of my sound system... which I do a lot so it's not like these have been my first times.

The first time I was a dumbass and turned on my mixer before I turned on the amplifier... so that gave me a mediam shock... the second time was a slightly lower form of a mediam shock when all I did was innocently turn on my power strip (... while jiggling the amplifier cable), and the third was just a smaller one when plugging in my guitar on a high setting.

I have a knack for electrocution.

It's kind of hard to sleep knowing there's a thousand watts of electricity surrounding me; Sometimes I think one of these days it's just going to explode and that will be the end of it.

G: Well part of the problem is you insist on having all your equiptment on one corner of the room...

L: It's for convienence!!!

G: Yeah sure whatever.


L: Say Larry... would you like a muffin?

G: (Oh crap she's going to break into song again) Say-er-MO why don't you go get Mr. Bear back from Romundo!!

L: O.O ?!?!???



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out