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You know what.... i have no idea.


7:50 a.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


It's time once again to look around n reflect on thy surroundings...

-My mother is harassing the dog,

but at least she's in a good mood

- there are two boys passed out in my living room,

i don't really know what to say about that

- my father is gone

- the house smells kinda like the dog

- billions of fallen pine needles have taken the place of the long-lost grass in the backyard

- larry is sleeping, let it stay that way

- i'm supposed to go see harry pot-head today with flo

- and i'm not wearing any pants.

Wow. That was truely inspirational...and yet... slightly disturbing.

All right now, here's my story I'm submitting to this thingy... it happend Thursday...

Mr. Nenno really cracks me up, annoys me, and impresses me all at the same time. The intercom comes on about five minutes into his class and announces, "Half the school's electricity has gone out, as you might know, one of the generators blew, so we're going to have a fire drill... please go outside and proceed to your normal fire drill places..."

And Nenno says...

"We're not going out."

After twenty six looks of confusing and fear stare him down he says, "Well, we still have lights, so we're simply going to stay here."

...The real obvious reason was that he did not want us to have a fire drill to interrupt his perfectly good lesson. So he went right on dictating it, and having us write down notes... that's when an administrator walked in...

"Um, Mr. Nenno..." (you could tell she was secretly scared to death of this guy) "E-everyone has to go out for the fire drill, even if YOU DO have lights..."

Long pause.

"All right we'll be out there" he then goes on dictating our lesson, none of us daring to stand up.

The lady pauses at the door, and turns to him to see if he's really going to come out.


The lady quickly leaves, and Mr. Nenno utters, "...eventually."

I could tell that poor lady was outside for the next ten minutes, debating weather she should come in again, risking getting her head bitten off by this guy.

Well, Nenno's sixth period class DID eventually go out for the fire drill, but not without taking our notebooks n a pencil. We then proceeded to go outside and sit on the bleachers, continuing with our notes.

While all the other classes got to Jack-Off, we're sitting there writing down theorys of genetics. It was kinda cool n not cool at the same time. You really gotta respect a guy like that, willing to defy rediculous antics infront of his class.

But what did we care? We got to leave school fourty-five minutes early...


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out