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Hell in a handbasket


7:59 p.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


Tyler says I can't swear no more. Easier said than done. The only words I can say are: Damn, Bloody, Crap, Hell

This will be the last entry that I ever swear in.


L: Effective.

G: Yep.

A often heard quote: "Dude, why are all the nails on your left hand painted black but not on the right?"

Because, my minion, it ends up chipping up all over my guitar strings if you must know.

Oh I'm having a tiny "ditch homecoming" party. It's where me n a few other people rent a bunch of horror movies and scare the crap out of each other until five in the morning.

Hey, one of my favorite bands doesn't have a ring deal yet. Poo.

G: Who, the exploited?

L: Who ever said they were my favorite?

G: Dunno. Bodyjar?

L: BAD RELIGION DAMMIT but they're still not my very favorite.

G: ^.^ oh yeah.

That reminds me. People are really pissing me off lately. In two ways...

1 - the individual annoyants that surround me

G: Annoyants?

2 - Society in general. It's going to pot. Ignorance, that's what it is...

Intirely too conventional.

G: Dude, your people are starting to effect you...

L: people?

Anyway, the whole segrigated high school thing is getting to me. Everyone of course goes around trying to figure me out. If the classify me as a prep... then I get the preps pointing out shallow things that make me a their poser; If they classify me as a skater then I get the skaters doing the same. What's up with that?

(I'm just kidding, nobody has ever accused me of being a prep but you get hte idea.)

I NEVER SAID I WAS ANYTHING, and i don't have to be. The world is what we make of it... and I'm not about to go around following non-existant standards. I don't plan on trying to fit everybody's perceptions on what I have to do to be a regulation-whatever!

I'm an outsider.

Okay enough bullshit. I forgot to go to tech rehersal a couple hours ago. Oh well. Phuck it. Too busy yelling at my parents to stop screaming and yelling. I'd rather have the neighbors call the cops for my guitar being too loud again than domestic disturbence.

hasta la pasta



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out