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The good, the bad, and the crappy


8:30 a.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


Ahh yes, I can say I was right about our venture to Las Vegas. It sucked. Yeah. Larry was about to kill me. He told me I should run away. But I didn't.

Why are the crowds on the Today Show a bunch of psychos?

G: They have no life.

L: O.o

I haven't gone to Fiesta yet.

G: [The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.]

I feel somewhat out of place because of it. Carlos called my mom and has been trying to convince her to come out and everything so we probably will this weekend or tomorrow. It seemed to have gone by so fast this year.

We got a German exchange student by the way. She's really cool. Her name is Anika (ann-ee-ca) and she's 17. She speaks an okay amount of English and stuff too. She'll stay with us for about 3 weeks. If everything goes well, Flo's momma might get one for a while year! That would be cool. Even cooler if the person was our age.

BUT... then we'd be sad when she left... :(

G: sniff. sniff.

Oh well it would still be cool. What if it was a boy? Ish... I think they've had enough boys over at Flo's house. We need another girl.

I have an ortho appointment in about 5 min. They piss me off. They said it was going to take longer since I didn't do all this crap they wanted me to torture myself with, but Shea and I have the feeling that...since we've already paid off the entire bill early... they'll want to get me done as fast as possible. A previous incident confirms their scamming ways... so Hm.

Damn braces. Go to hell.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out