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Rain and inspiration


1:04 p.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


Dear Blackmailing onlookers,

Hmm� so that board on the wall was nothing special� it was just a pointless board on the wall that�s now gone because I jacked it off with a spoon. It�s just all discolored now. Shea wasn�t too mad, just perplexed.

It keeps raining lately. It�s plenty hot in the mornings, and rainy in the evenings. It�s somewhat of a drag, but I do like the rain. It cools the air down instantly, and smells so fresh.

I ended up at Sandia yesterday getting my school I.D. photo. Tomorrow I�m supposed to accompany Shea at Sandia as well while she helps with registration. My registration isn�t until Friday, but if we�re lucky I�ll swipe my schedule and be able to register tomorrow instead. Wonderful�

Well, just when we thought Gimpy was approximately liberated from his bothersome limp, he tripped and fell plane on his mug� stupid dog. Shall we ever encompass a somewhat customary puppy? I think not.

G: Being quite dramatic today, aren�t we?

L: -.-

I had this dream about the end of the world the other day. It was rather strange, as the majority of my irrelevant dreams appear to be. I happened to be working at this power plant with a whole assortment of random people I knew from Madison including Serena, Aaron, Jason, Becca, Yanbi� and then there were like these aliens and they had this large skinny green spaceship thingy that landed upright about a hundred yards from us. Everybody was scared, and reporters were suddenly everywhere. I had on this hard hat and I was just staring at it until this flash of yellow light came from the bottom and started covering the ground. It was like slow motion, and I thought it was the end of the world and we were all going to die in this big spectacular explosion.

At first I was scared so I just closed my eyes and wished it would be over, but seeing as how the slow motion scene was taking forever, I opened my eyes, put my hands in my pockets, and just watched the detonation creep near me.

L: It felt like I was watching my death come! ^.^

G: O.o

Anyway, that�s when Gimpy scratched on my door and I went flying up. I decided it was kind of a cool dream, but then when I went back to sleep it sort of started up again. This time it wasn�t as cool because I knew I was dreaming.

The explosion kind of swept over me and I didn�t die. It just felt like going down an immense hill on a roller coaster. When I realized I wasn�t dead, the arbitrary reporters that suddenly appeared said that the aliens were defending us from other aliens with a shield.

That ticked me off because it was boring, so I asked the reporters how they knew that and they said I was short.

L: That�s when I realized I was less than five feet tall! O.O

G: Hey! Being short isn�t all bad!

L: I know, but still.

G: Eww, what are your parents yelling about?

L: I don�t know� something about the trip.

G: Oh, this trip is gonna suck! It�s gonna rain the whole time I tell ya!

L: Stop being so pessimistic. We�ll find junk to do.

G: Psh� yeah� JUNK! When are we going to see Austin Powers???

L: Eventually�

G: You mean Pay-Per-View� ~.^

I had some inspiration yesterday. A small child asked, �Is it slippery to walk on a rainbow?�

I don�t quite recognize what precisely it inspired me to achieve, but I�ll figure it out eventually.



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out