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Reminiscence of Mad Curiosities


4:40 p.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


Well, Signs turned out to be pretty good�

G: Too scary!

L: Be quiet you!

G: -_-

Anyway, my mother gimped the dog! She�s a dog gimper! Ahh my mother is a dog gimper! The poor little guy was innocently sniffing around on the coffee table, when the devious Gimper took a further victim!

G: What??? She just pushed him off the table, he was fine!

L: Sure, sure� it only took a bit of time before Webster developed a gimp!

G: Ha! She is a dog gimper!

L: I told you. She almost gimped me! I tell you Larry, you�d better hide before you become the next guiltless casualty!

G: O.o

L: Before long we�ll all be gimps� we�ll saunter down the streets, sulking in our pathetic calamity, and people will declare, �Look! There goes the Gimpy family!�

G: Eeek! Quick! Get a pillow! We might need to attack�

Hmm� I wonder if the past tense of gimp is gamp� anywho! Two days and counting before the school ID photo shoot�

G: Are you going to make a face this year?

L: I wasn�t planning on it, but that�s a good idea! You always think of this stuff Larry�

G: ^_^ I know, I know�

Right� so my parents have developed this mad idea that they spontaneously want to go on this trip down south to some cabin on a lake for their anniversary, and they want to take Tim and I along. Great. This is so like them, they�ll everlastingly plan some things, and then spontaneously decide to spend a lot of money. That�s how we ended up with those surround sound speakers in the den, and the new car� but did they have to plan this stunt a week before school starts? Oh well. I guess I�ll be away squandering away the pitiful remains of my summer vacation from Friday to Monday.

When I moved my bed I found this painted-over board near the floor on my wall� I wonder what�s behind it, or why it was put there�

G: Well, why don�t you find out?

L: What do you mean?

G: Grab a screw driver� chip off some of the paint around the edges, and pry it off!

L: Yeah! But� don�t you think my parents will be mad when they see the gap in my wall?

G: Oh, they�ll love it, just do it!

L: But-

G: Do it! Do it! Do it!!!!

L: Hmm� OKAY!

See what boredom leads to? Sometimes I think it might be related to my psychotic tendencies, or mad plans� (mostly of world domination and/or destruction).

�Either that� or it�s Larry.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out