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A risky trail

Friday, Sept. 12, 2003

7:53 a.m.

I feel like: DAmmit. It supposed to be Saturday.
Stuck in my head: No Doubt
Thinking about: I'm late!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A while back I was having a rather in depth conversation with Chance. It was about dying.

"The way I see it," I said, "...if I'm a good person and I don't do the obviously bad things of hurting people or abusing privledges, then I'll get into heaven. And if God sends me to hell, just for questioning the traditional Christian traditions and junk, then fine. He just sent a good person to hell."

"...That's a good point." he said, "...but my figuring is that if I go through my life doing what the bible says..." etc. "...then I can die knowing that either way I'm safe. If there is no real heaven, and the afterlife has nothing to do with what the bible said, then okay. But if it does... I'm still safe."

"Ahh yes," I said, " you'll take the safe route. I, however, would remain very unsatisfied not knowing whether I'm wasting my life or not."

He then went on to convince me that living through God or whatever was definitely not wasting your life. I didn't mean it that way though... I'd just rather have a lot more fun with my life. I don't want to die and then find out "Oh my gosh I just went through my life and held out on all the things I really wanted to do, all for something that didn't exist."

Call me taking a risky path or whatever, but it was mine to choose.

I guess it just proves how two people with the same figuring and thought patterns can see things in two different lights because of their background.

I'm late and I'm going to school.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out