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I ' M W I N N I N G .

Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003

4:09 p.m.

I feel like: sorry for myself
Stuck in my head: Survival of the fittest whoever can last
Thinking about: Every man for himself.


High school. It drones on like the monotonous tunes from your grandfather�s radio. A twisted tangle of books that I�ve already read, vocabulary words I already know, lectures I�ve already heard, math problems I�ve already seen, and work I�ve already done.

And yet, I wouldn�t miss one moment of it.

I am no longer the striving young child I once was. No, Madison Middle School did a wonderful job of breaking me of that spirit. Now I realize that there�s an alternative way, and an alternative theory to everything. High school is my playground.

�Next year, your teacher will just throw away your paper if your name isn�t on it!�

�Next year, your teacher will expect you to already know how to do long division!�

�Next year, your teacher will automatically suspend you if you do that!�

�Next year, your teacher will be very mad if you do not know this vocabulary!�

�Next year, your teacher will have to retake this 6th grade health class if you do not pass!�

Well let me tell you something kids, next year, none of those things are going to happen, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Every half smart child has once asked the question, �Why do I need to know this?�

�Why do I need to know what the pilgrims wore?�

�Why do I need to know what a endoplasmic reticulum does in a cell?�

�Why do I need to know how to graph a sentence, or pick out prepositional phrases?�

Well let me tell you another thing kids. No matter how much bull shit you get fed on why you need to know some of this stupid crap, you have to stay in grips with yourself. Adults are not always right, most just want to get paid and go home. Because the truth is, you don�t need to know how to do some of the more stupid things they teach you.

I�m sure you�ve noticed that you relearn the same things year after year� sometimes taught different ways or with a little more useless information� take advantage of that! Most of the repetitive stuff you don�t need to know anyhow!

Anyway, that�s why I�ve made high school my game. I still learn things, but not the pointless stuff they teach in school. Instead of putting effort into schoolwork, I put it into learning skills I can really use, like typing, web programming, advanced math and sciences, journaling, animation- whatever!

It�s all a show. Suck it up; Suck up; and Shut up. That�s the motto! You don�t need to learn the stuff you know you won�t use! You just gotta get the grades to pass! Do whatever you can to get the good grade, and smile. Utilize the Internet whenever possible. Read cliff notes. Reuse papers. Write the answers on your hand. Do homework in other classes that you don�t need to pay attention in. It doesn�t matter! It�s a GAME! ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS WIN!

I�m not saying this is right or anything, or that you shouldn�t pay attention at all in school. I�m just saying the education system is fucked up. Get used to it.

Yeah, I�m gonna shut up. Just remember. The whole object of the game is to pass with as best marks as possible, and to make it into college. So go and put on your show�! It�s YOUR LIFE!


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out