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The eternal Spring Break Optomism


6:32 a.m.

I feel like: okay i guess
Stuck in my head: "You may think it matters now... but what if you are wrong? You may think there's no wisdom in a fucked up punk rock
Thinking about: finding me some doritos


I�m getting a wee bit tired of reading diaries that are so depressing� it�s like everybody here has �the worst life in the world� and all they do is write about how pitiful they are.

Well, I, of course, can�t be like that in my everlasting quest to go against the grain. So here�s my happy entry:

You know that feeling you get when it�s the first day of spring break, and you have an entire nine days to cast your books aside and run around in thong sandals, seeing dollar movies and scraping up money? That�s the feeling of life. When, for one solitary day, your only problems are being dirt poor and car-less� and you wouldn�t have it any other way.

Around the 3rd day of spring break, you realize you�re devastatingly bored and out of Doritos, but that�s not the point.

The point is finding the optimism. I really hate pessimists. It�s their own fault they make their life so depressing, so they might as well not throw it on other people.

I went to a dollar movie, again, today. It seems like I live at that theatre. I saw �Catch Me if You Can�. For some reason I expected it to be a chick flick, but it wasn�t. It was the story of that one kid who faked his way into becoming a pilot, a doctor, a lawyer, and making lots of money and what not. He was a smart kid. I�ve always thought of doing something like that. I�m clever enough; Heck, I already get away with everything! That would be the life�

But, everybody craves freedom.

�Freedom�� what do you think of when you hear that word? Well, America of course! That word has been overused so many times, in school, and by people. You�d think �freedom� was the bloody definition of �America�! Well, it�s not.

You can't have total and complete freedom and be a human at the same time. You have to pay taxes in America� to pay taxes you have to have a job. It�d be better to have a good job, rather than a crappy job, so you can make lots of money to pay your taxes while being miserable eight hours a day, so you go to college to get your good job. To go to a good college, you have to work your ass off in high school. So pretty much, you work your ass off a lot� and the more you work, the more responsibilities you have, thus reducing your �freedom�.

My freedom� my freedom would be different. (Impossible, but different.) I would be able to wake up every day like it was the first day of Spring Break. There�s my freedom. Freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want�

Now I�m sounding stupid. This is all impossible, so who cares?

Well, you�re right. I�m a realist, so I think I�ll stick with reality and make the best of it. I�m going to have as much fun as I can, and as little responsibility as I can while I�m living. It�s my life, and nobody�s going to care once I�m dead, so I might as well do what I want with it.

Ehhh enough of that bull crap.

Flo and I got bored and filled out one of those incredibly stupid �best friend� tests that come in teen magazines. (Don�t friggin ask me how I get all these free subscriptions to every bloody chick magazine in existence. It�s a long dreadful story.) But anyway, she scored a lot higher than I did, so it said she knew me better than I knew her. She�s a dirty rotten cheater, but none the less. We know each other pretty well, considering we knew what stupid sarcastic answer each one of us was going to put in the blank.

�I am most happy when I�m ________________�

Well that one was easy. High! �/drunk/wasted in one way or another.

Flo guessed that one.

�My dream hairstyle is _____________________�

I thought for a moment and scratched in �Pink Beehive�. Sure enough, that�s what she put down.

My friends are so cute. Like just a moment ago, Chance called me and said, �Whoa! Guess what! I found a little doggy and called the number on the tag and when the guy came to pick it up he gave me sixty bucks!�

�Awesome, good job!�

�Yep! Just thought I�d call and tell you because I needed some one to feel happy-joy with�

(or something like that)

Ahh, yes, gotta love Spring Break.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out