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If I only had a tractor


6:08 p.m.

I feel like: relieved
Stuck in my head: "Pepper" - Butthole Surfers. Good song.
Thinking about: how many people I would run over with my tractor


Freakin A! Why won't this nation just frickin declare war already?! Sheesh!

For the last, like, month it's been "we're gonna go to war soon... just not now... or later...but it's gonna be soon!" And I'm sick of it! I'm tired of hearing about it, I'm tired of protesters crowding Central Ave., and I'm tired of seeing everybody buy out all the water at the grocery store! I mean, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

I'm about ready to hop on the war train and get this thing over with, as you can see. Gosh...

Oh, and another halrious thing... the chick in Israel who got ran over by a tractor because she lyed in front of it. That made my day. You stupid Americans! Going around thinking you're all that just because you're from stupid America! I mean, what was she thinking? She was protesting something, but what does it matter? They have different laws in foreign countries, you know, and there's nothing that says that they can't run over people who are in their way, esspecially foreiners. ...AND STUPID AMERICANS! With their big hippie egos!

If I were driving that tractor, I would have laughed while running her over with my tractor, because SHE'S A FRICKIN AMERICAN THINKING I WOULDN'T RUN HER OVER WITH MY TRACTOR BECAUSE SHE'S LYING IN FRONT OF IT!


Rob picked me up two hours late today. It was freezing outside, and me with only a thin Dispatch T-shirt. I figured I was in for the bitching of a lifetime, and I almost hoped he wouldn't come. It's always my fault. Always. No matter what... and that scared the crap out of me. I couldn't figure out what it was that I had done wrong. Had I missed his call? Did he come early and I missed him? I sat there panicing because it's never Rob's fault, no. He's perfect. Nothing is ever his fault. Oh, shit, what had I done to make him late?!?!?

And his meeting went late.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out