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My bitchfest! Yay!


7:40 p.m.

I feel like: stuck... or was it screwed? Fucked? Gawd I need to stop swearing...
Stuck in my head: "But I don't care, that's okay, I don't need them anyway, I'll just go about my day... but anyway..." - GC
Thinking about: Ditching basketball practice....the assembly tomorrow... my third period class...


I think I have a sort of idea as to where the hell Larry went off to.

You see, Larry was always around when I had no one to talk to, or when I got bored, or when it was quiet. But ever since the beginning of this semester, I�ve had a different group of friends� or, might I say, I�ve had a group of friends rather than hundreds of random scattered ones. M-maybe� they drove Larry off?

I remember before Christmas, my best friends at school were Dacey, Tyler, Chris� now it�s more like Chance, Jon, MD, Chris, Dacey, etc�. and I�m actually getting out of the house and doing stuff with them or talking to them on the phone or internet� it�s weird.

About two weeks ago I would have said something like �it feels weird having a solid group of friends who all get along��but now it�s not working out. They all hate each other again-which doesn�t bother me, really. I�m used to being the one everybody complains to about everyone else. Sometimes it sucks being the only one everybody gets along with!

Okay, here�s the big list of �who bitches about who�, just to get it out and out of my system:

Short Stop � bitches about Jon

Chris � bitches about Jon and Chance (and Short Stop)

Chance � bitches about Jon and Chris

Jon � bitches about Chance and Chris (and Short Stop)

(lol okay so basically those three just bitch about eachother all the time)

Milkman � is a bitch, but doesn�t really bitch about everybody all the time

Dacey � doesn�t bitch too much, sometimes about Jon, maybe Chris


�even though I�m used to it.

And I�m not quite sure what the fuck is up wit Jon� he keeps ditching us to hang out with his other friends, and keeps apologizing for it, but then complains about how nobody likes him or something like that.

Chris needs to stop hanging on everybody, and he knows it. My god! Hose the kid down! He and Jon get offended over everything.

And MilkmanDan is a bitch dammit! NEVER TRUST THE QUIET ONES. They will always be the people that spontaneously tear everyone to shreds or something. Sure, me and her are really tight and hang out a lot, but she�s still a bitch. She calls me a slut so it�s all good.

Don�t get me wrong� I love all my friends. I like hanging out with every single one, even Chris and Short Stop, even though my other friends keep asking me the everlasting question of WHY WHY WHY!!!

Well, WHY must I be the only liked one! (so I presume) No wait, maybe that�s not really the question�. It�s more like� WHYYYY must I be the only one who friggin gets along with everyone else!!!

Maybe I put up with too much. Maybe I don�t care. Maybe people are just nicer to me. Fuck if I know.

And then there�s Lauren� she�s really freakin quiet� and doesn�t really do much. She�s sweet and all, just so characterless�

I guess Chance is the only one I really don�t have a problem with� a couple of the others might, but I don�t�

All right I�m really sorry about the whole �he said she said� pointless boring �people entry�� I just have to get it out of my system. Half the people who read this have no idea who the people I�m talking about are, nor do they care

I don�t know if anybody I mentioned reads this� sure, they know of it, but I really doubt they follow it or read it, which is good because I don�t want anybody really knowing too much about me. That would be weird. I think I�m rambling now. Shit.

OKAY SO IF YOU KNOW ME AND YOU�RE READING THIS SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Cuz I wanna know who stalks me and stuff! Tyler used to, and that was really creepy. Hopefully he doesn�t anymore.

ALL RIGHTY THEN so I�m done with my weekly complaining about shit entry, and I won�t talk so much about my strange friends in the future� so thank god. I�ll be more insightful� and reflective�

See what happens? What started out as a simple entry of questioning where Larry went, and exploring the reasons he could be gone, turned into a huge crappo-fest.

I�d better shut up before I start all over again. First, let me be the first to say, FUCK. Sorry bad mood or something.

ShUt ThE fUcK uP lAuRyN!!!!!


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until I'm 16
before I can move out