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Waking up is hard to do


8:26 a.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


Family Vacations. I guess it�s pretty standard how those go about� with a few exceptions to my little Orlando/Miami Christmas family gathering/suffering�

Commanly used phrases were:


�Whoa! You guys really are like the Simpsons!�

�You�re gonna get us kicked out��

It was my father�s mother�s side of the family. My uncle and his wife are pretty wealthy� and the wife never ceases to express it� and my aunt and her husband are pretty cool�.. but both couples never lose an opportunity to bitch about the other couple. My Grandma bitches about both of them� so basically everybody bitches about everybody else behind each other�s backs and we all put on this big show to be polite n everything. Actually, it rather amused me.

Our hotel room smelled like a dead rabbit covered in rotting cheese, but me and my little brother were too lazy to do anything about it.

. . . .. .. . . ew.

I learned the trick to those theme parks. You go realllly early. Like when they first open. And usually the lines don�t get over 10 minutes until like 11:00. We didn�t do that when we visited the Universal Studios,,,, so yeah, it was hell, but for Islands of Adventure we got smart. I got to go on every single ride, some of them multiple times, all before lunch! But of course, my uncle, didn�t get over there until like noon so� we had to wait in line with them out of courtesy before we ditched them. They didn�t want to get up early n go. Nooooo they�d rather wait in line for hours for a ride.

But Spiderman was awesome!!!

Well I guess New Year�s is today� I didn�t stay up and do the whole �cheer at the stroke of midnight thing�. I was exhausted so I figured, hey, what�s the point? Gawd I�m such a loser. I can�t even stay up late� yeah I deserve all the laughing people do at me when I go to sleep at 7:30 but hey� WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE AGAINST SLEEP?!?? I like my sleep J

My sleep�..

Oh yeah and this means 21 more days until my birthday. I hate being 14. I didn�t mind being 12�. And I think 13 was an okay year but 14 was crap�

That- or I just want to get my friggin driver�s license already.

Yeah that�s prolly it.


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out