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My Hell
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<--� | �-->

I had to grow wings.


4:00 p.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


You know... I always think of the perfect thing to write in here when i don't have a computer, but I can never remember...

I hate it when people ask me if I believe in evolution. Of course I do... but of course when I say that they get all religious on me n give me this "you're goin to hell" stare.

It's just ignorance.

Of course evolution happend, and science already proved it... wheather you like it or not. No matter how much you want it to be otherwise, it's not going to change.

But of course... that scares people. It means the bible is wrong. It means the way they've been brought up is wrong. It means their whole religion is wrong. Christianity....wrong?

But not necissarily. It's only wrong if you take the bible literally. It can all be interprited...differently.

Don't look at me like this is a new thing. The bible states that God set the earth in it's place as the center of the universe, never to be moved. News flash! Well guess what people... this big hard ball of crap rotaits around the sun and there's nothing you can do about it.

But it's like I said... it all can be looked at different...

I however, don't believe in the bible. I think it's a good story... but that's all. Just me.

You see, evolution doesn't mean there is no god, it just means there doesn't need to be. Things would be the way they are wheather he exists or not. IT IS PROVEN DAMMIT! If you think anything else, you're just ignorant.

Really makes you think doesn't it. Bout life. Bout death.

...but I do believe in God.



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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out