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Boring School Gravy


7:58 p.m.

I feel like:
Stuck in my head:
Thinking about:


For a while there, I was starting to get kind of worried. I took a qualifiers exam for Honors Geometry� and she said to stay comfortably in the class we should have gotten a 70 or above� 65 � 70 was controversial, and anything below a 60 would result in a conference to see if one really belonged in such an advanced class� I almost figured I�d get chucked out of there once she looked at my grade in Algebra I last year, but guess what I got on the test: a 70!! That�s pretty gravy� The first two assignments I didn�t get� prolly because I tried to do them at 11 o�clock at night. The third I finally got easily, but when I came to class today I found that almost nobody in the class was getting it, and they all had a hard time on the homework� there for she was giving an extension on the assignment.

That�s kind of typical of me� everything I think is easy, nobody understands� everything I don�t understand� comes as 2nd nature to everybody else. Plus, the only assignment I actually complete on time gets a two-day extension� that just figures.

I met a few cool people I guess� like Dacey (I think that�s her name) and Tyler� who stole my goldfish I worked so hard to get. That was the 2nd time somebody�s ran off with my goldfish� the 3rd was when I showed them to another friend when I finally got them back from Tyler�

�I still haven�t finished my goldfish.

G: They were pretty crushed anyway�

L: O.O You didn�t�

G: Eat your fishies? No, but I should�ve�

L: Larry!!! Bad G-nome!!

I finally got Avril Lavigne�s CD� yay. I like that song Sk8er Boi. Avril�s awesome.

Speaking of CDs� Steve bought me a CD burner! Yay! Makes Lauryn a happy girl� I�m burning some CDs for his friend Frank who has a radio station in Gallup� so I guess whatever I put on them will be played on his station. That�s pretty tight.

The news was really depressing today� about a baby who was snatched out of it�s carriage by a bear. People ran after it, so the bear got scared and dropped it� but it was too late. That�s just about the saddest thing I�ve heard in a while� however, it didn�t stop me from having a great day. They say Tuesdays are your most productive days. I learned that in Summer School, P.E. Ever since then, I have noticed it to be true. What is it about Tuesdays?

STEPHANIE!!! My biology partner� is being evil! Oh my god! She�s so quiet and one of those soft-spoken girls� but damn she�s not afraid to get physical. I�ve got bruises from that girl! But hey� she has some from me too� I guess we have nothing better to do in that class� the teachers a complete psycho, he scares the shyts outta me.

DAMMIT RONNIE!!!!Every time I talk to him, he wants to talk in voice on yahoo, but he spends the whole time jabbering on about useless things, not really expecting me to respond (I can�t understand what he�s saying most of the time.) � I just have to listen to it to make him happy. He�s currently singing opera� something to the effect of *I�m going to kick you Lora� LALALALA�.*� no he just switched to five strait minutes of Twilight Zone Music� ANYWAY.

G: Do Be Do Be�

L: Oh don�t you start�

G: ^.^

I�m working on another plan for world domination� maybe I�ll post it soon! With that happy thought, I think I�ll retire to my bed and South Park and Disturbing Opera Singing Boys� Luego Mucho�

-DJ shorty


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graduation approximation
until I'm 16
before I can move out